Hello there, I am using IIC bus to communicate with BMI088 sensor with the given exapmle from BMI08x-Sensor-API. 1. With IIC bus, are the interrput pins a mandatory connection to the BMI088? Or VCC, GND, SCK, SDI pins are also enabled to get the raw data. If interrupt pin are not necessary, could bmi08a_get_data_int_status processing (get register data 0x1D for accel, 0x0A for gyro) also be omitted? 2. I found in the example codes that there is a file needs to upload. But I also found that the reigsters 0x59, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5E etc are reserved registers, which means that the bmi08x config file onto the device processing (bmi08a_load_config_file) could be omitted? Becaues I always get failed returning after upload file data, the 0x2A for getting Accel Internal status register is reserved too. 3. Could I capture the accel and gyro data synchronously? As they are in different IIC slave address buses. Many thanks.
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