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    Compile error in linking BSEC library to ESP-IDF for BME688

    Compile error in linking BSEC library to ESP-IDF for BME688

    New Poster


    I am using the BME688 with the ESP32-S3 in the Espressif IDE (ESP-IDF), and I want to employ the BSEC library to obtain the IAQ.

    First of all, I downloaded the BSEC version library from Bosch Sensortec's website. However, I encountered a problem linking the BSEC library to my project. I found a potential solution on Bosch Sensortec's community forum, but I encountered several errors during the project compilation. How can I resolve these errors? Additionally, it seems that the libalgobsec.h file in the forum post is empty. Where is the libalgobsec.a file?. Could you advise me on what changes I should make in the CMake file or any other file, if necessary?

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Best regards.

    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi AmirTa,

    Thank for your feedback.
    As you used BME688, ESP32-S3 and had downloaded BSEC2.5 software, you should use the library "bsec_v2-5-0-2\algo\normal_version\bin\esp\esp32_s3\libalgobsec.a", and using the header files in folder "bsec_v2-5-0-2" will be enough. libalgobsec.h is not an official file in BSEC2.5.

    Occasional Visitor

    Hello BSTRobin, i try change the libalgosec.a from the AmirTa  but i have the same problem, actualy i use the IDF 5.2, and the problem is founded in the all archicteture from ESP32, Riscv and Xtensa.
    Can you help us?

    In attch the printscream from the error.


    Hi BSTRobin,
    Thank you for your reply.
    I finally managed to add and compile the library into the project, but the bsec_iot_loop function does not produce any output!!!
    How should I fix this?
    (The bsec_iot_init function executes well, and there are no errors in bme68x_status or bsec_status)
